She’s Driving Me Crazy - Chapter 45

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20 months ago
Don’t act like you’ve never made a mistake as a teenager. You can clearly see that she’s one of those ditzy types who doesn’t understand others while also trying to do whatever it took to get together with the mc, who’s already a poor example of maturity with how he’s acting more like a monkey than a human
20 months ago
I beg to differ she is still to blame for pretending to date that snake to see wons reaction. She fell for his trap hook line and sinker instead of steering clear
21 months ago
Dam. I knew this story was godlike while I was keeping up with it and there it is. This chapter cemented it. Bravo author. Wow. And the truth is theres really no one to blame just cause & effect and a lack of seeing the truth which created false perceptions This is a certified emotional tragedy